
Choosing the right dentist for you and your family can be a difficult task. After all, every practice offers different services, and there are different philosophies behind the care they provide. However, there are some key things you can look for when choosing the best dental office for your family.

First, you will want to make sure the dentist you choose offers a full range of dental services. From cleaning to extractions and everything in between, you will want a dentist who can take care of your family’s smiles no matter what they need. In addition, you want to make sure your dentist is gentle and caring with patients, making your experience there as pleasant as possible. Finally, you want a dentist who has office hours that work with your schedule so you can schedule an appointment when you need them. At Charles Street Dental, we offer all of the above and more! Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our caring dentists in Brookline.

While these are just a few things to consider when choosing your dental practice, it’s most important to select one that fits the needs of you and your family. If you’re looking for an office that offers all of these services and is centrally located in the Brookline area, contact Charles Street Dental today. We look forward to helping you keep smiling brightly for many years to come!

Best Cosmetic Dentist In Brookline

Our cosmetic dentist in Brookline, Dr. Sarah B. Lee, offers a wide range of cosmetic dental treatments. 

When it comes to your smile, you want your teeth to be healthy and attractive. If your teeth are chipped or stained, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. But you don’t have to hide your smile! Cosmetic dentistry from your dentist in Brookline can cover up imperfections and help rejuvenate your smile. Here are some advantages of having cosmetic dental services performed.

  • Improve the shape and size of your teeth
  • Straighten crooked teeth
  • Whiten discolored teeth
  • Repair broken teeth
  • Replace missing teeth
  • Cover up metal fillings and metal braces
  • Put an end to the look of your smile holding you back
  • Brighten your look with professional teeth whitening services
  • Use veneers to correct minor orthodontic issues and improve the appearance of your smile

With all of these advantages, there’s really no reason not to improve the appearance of your smile. At Charles Street Dental, we offer a wide range of cosmetic dental services to improve your smile and boost your confidence. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


121 Charles St South,
Boston, MA 02116

Office Hours


TUE - WED7:00 am - 4:00 pm

THUBy appointments only

FRI7:00 am - 4:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed